Standard Error Codes and Messages

Standard Error Codes and Messages

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Fault Codes

Server Errors

Code Text Description
100 Internal Server Error The System encountered an error.
103 No Response from Server Call The method did not return a value.
104 Method Not Found An undefined method was called. Check your version string or code for typographical errors.
106 No XML Data Found No XML was received by the server.
107 Invalid Method Name An undefined Method was called. Check your version string or code for typographical errors.
108 Terms and Conditions not accepted The Account you have logged into has not yet accepted the Terms and Conditions.

Method Errors

Code Text Description
300 Authorisation Failed - Invalid Login Username and/or Password is incorrect.
301 Authorisation Failed - Please log in first Your session may have expired, please log in again.
302 Undefined Error in Method The method experienced a fatal error.
303 Unable to Load List. You may have attempted to access a List that does not exist or does not belong to the Account.
304 Unable to Load Contact You may have attempted to access a Contact that does not exist or does not belong to the Account.
305 Unable to Load Field You may have attempted to access a Field that does not exist or does not belong to the Account.
306 Unable to Load Folder You may have attempted to access a Folder that does not exist or does not belong to the Account.
307 Unable to Load Email You may have attempted to access an Email that does not exist or does not belong to the Account.
308 Unable to Load Batch You may have attempted to access a Batch that does not exist or does not belong to the Account.
310 Invalid Method Parameters The arguments you have passed are not the correct type. Check the method reference.
311 Invalid Search Parameter Format The arguments you have passed are not the correct type. Check the method reference.
312 Invalid Email List IDs The Email ID's passed to the method are not in the Folder.
313 Cannot Edit Account Lists The List you are trying to edit is flagged as an Account List and cannot be modified.
314 No Contact List Specified for Batch Population The List of Contacts to send the Batch to was empty.
315 Field Not Found The Field you are trying to delete was not found.
316 Email Field Cannot be Edited You cannot edit the Email Field.
317 Invalid Email Address Specified The Email address passed to the method was in an incorrect format.
318 Duplicate Field Name A Field with the specified name already exists in the List specified.
319 Duplicate Folder Name / Type A Folder of the same name and same type already exists.
320 Failed to Update any Contacts No Contacts could be found or updated within the context of an editContacts operation.
321 Administrative Access Denied The currently logged in Account does not have access to use the Account administration methods.
322 Username Unavailable An Account User operation did not succeed because the specified username is not allowed.
323 Unable to Delete Folder Folder could not be deleted; either it is the last Folder, it is not empty, or it is a system Folder (for example, the List Emails folder)
324 Cannot Delete User You cannot delete Users if you are not the owner of the Account, or you are attempting to delete the Account owner.
325 Reserved Field Name The specified Field name is reserved for use by the system
399 You have reached the maximum number of allowed concurrent API requests The Account has reached the limit on the number of concurrent API requests that can be made at any one time.


If you have any questions about implementing an XML-RPC interface with the system, please contact your system administrator.

Use the following traffic analysis tools to troubleshoot communications between your client and the API:

  • The Proxomitron
  • Tcpdump
  • HTTPPeek

See Also