Account and User Methods

Account and User Methods

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An Account includes all of the data about your system including details about the Account settings, the Account Owner, privileges, and Message limits.

A sub-Account is an Account that a Reseller provides to a customer. Sub-Accounts may contain their own sub-Accounts. Depending on the Account settings, a sub-Account may have access to its parent Account and/or access to its sub-Accounts.

Users (also referred to as User Accounts) represent individuals assigned to the Account. The User who owns the Account, the Account Owner, is the administrator, and has the ability to create Users and set User privileges and Message limits. The Account Owner cannot be deleted.

Account Methods

User Methods

  • addUser

    Adds a new User Account.

  • countUsers

    Returns the total number of Users or the number of Users that match search criteria.

  • deleteUser

    Permanently deletes a User from the system.

  • editUser

    Edits a User Account.

  • getUserById

    Returns data about the specified User.

  • searchUsers

    Returns data about all Users or about Users who match search criteria.

See Also